
Ip Man - The Final Fight (Cantonese)

Ni lah cerita Ip Man yang saya tengok pada hari sabtu 6/4/2013 di Queenbay. Best juga. Dekat bawah ini ada dia punya sinopsis tapi dalam bahasa english la sebab ambil kat cinema online. Tapi saya cakap kat semua org cerita ini memang best.Kalau sapa-sapa nak gi tengok memang tak rugi.

 Watch this if you liked: “Ip Man” and “Ip Man 2”

We know that Donnie Yen was confirmed to be returning for the third instalment of "Ip Man" very soon but have you ever wondered how many more films can still be made for the Wing Chun master Ip Man? Faster than Donnie and his punches, Herman Yau cuts in with "Ip Man - The Final Fight".

"Ip Man - The Final Fight" leads us to Wing Chun successor Ip Man's arrival in Hong Kong without his wife and son Ip Chun in the 1950s. His helpful manner and masterful kung fu skills gives him a chance to earn a living by teaching a bunch of young workers his martial arts at the rooftop of a building with the help of Leung Sheung (Timmy Hung), the president of the labour union. Already in his forties, Ip Man gains fame among the locals after he becomes involved in an unpleasant battle with the apprentices of his rival, played by Eric Tsang, on the street. When Ip Man almost falls apart after the death of his wife Wing Seng (Anita Yuen) in Foshan, a female performer appears and quickly takes up the responsibility of caring for the master she loves. In his last days, he encounters one of the most challenging occasions of his life as he faces the Kowloon Walled City criminal kingpin Dragon (Hung Yan Yan) in order to save his apprentice from an illegal underground kung fu tournament.

 First of all, Anthony Wong is too tall to play the famous role which was previously played by Yen, Dennis To and Tony Leung Chiu-Wai in the recent Wong Kar-wai hit "The Grandmaster". This is the first factor that contradicts to the real Ip Man. Despite his height, casting him as Ip Man is questionable to the audience due to his infrequent appearances in the action genre, especially in kung fu related pieces.

However, while listening to Ip Chun's narration of his father's tough experience in Hong Kong, Wong's emphasis on Ip Man's well-known peaceful mindset on dealing with the unstable conditions and events like the labour demonstrations, how the police officers enforce the law under the British administration around the community during the early days, and of course his relaxed but focused performance on punches and kicks against the villains are surprisingly impressive enough to persuade us in believing that the two-time Hong Kong Film Award Best Actor is the right person to handle such figure.

Those who missed "Endless Love" star Anita Yuen's screen presence will surely complain about her brief appearance as Ip Man's soft-hearted wife in the film. However, her disappearance in the story leads us to the master's interesting hidden bittersweet relationship with an uneducated female singer who takes care of the lonely man, a crucial sentimental part which you have never seen in Wilson Yip and Wong Kar-wai's films.

The film also reflects how the old Ip Man treats his beloved son Ip Chun, who initially has no idea about Wing Chun and the moment when the latter witnesses and records the valuable video footage of his father demonstrating the roots of the martial arts techniques which are eventually utilized by Bruce Lee in promoting Chinese kung fu around the world.

"Ip Man - The Final Fight" is definitely not the final curtain call for us to watch the awesome story of the kung fu gentleman but the movie has its own unique style in presenting us Ip Man's inspirational final days.


Kerete BMW X6 Idamanku

Ini adalah kereta idaman yg aku impikan semasa aku mula2 hendak bekerja.Tapi sampai sekarang belum memilikinya lagi kerana kurang berkemampuan untuk memilikinya. Kereta ini sangat mahal ratusan ribu harganya. Bila saya akan dapat memiliki kerata sebegi ni rupa. Saya selalu berdoa pada Allah.s.w.t semoga apa yang saya hajati akan menjadi kenyataan.Harap-harap tahun ni dapat la saya memiliki kereta impian saya ini..



Pada 17.02.2013, tiba masanya hati saya telah di tawan dan juga telah di ikat oleh seorang jejaka yang baik hati dan  bersama ahli keluarganya yang telah datang untuk meminang saya. Saya terharu dan sangat bertuah kerana jejaka itu sudi menerima saya dengan seadanya. Saya juga akan menja perhubungan ini dengan baik dan saya berharap agar cinta ini kekal untuk selama-lamanya. Di bawah ini terdapat sedikit gambar pertunangan saya.


Rombongan Merisik dari pihak lelaki

Pada 20 Januari 2013 iaitu hari ahad bakal ibu mertuaku telah membawa rombongan merisik untuk merisik aku.Aku tersipu-sipu malu bila melihat bakal ibu mertuaku.Sebanayak 3 buah kereta dan seramai 16 org yang datang pada hari tersebut dengn telatah dan hiruk pikuk bakal-bakal anak buah yang datang sambil menonton tv.Bakal ibu mertuaku telah berbincang dengan ibu bapaku untuk meminta persetuan dan menetapkan tarikh untuk pertunangan saya dengan Rasal Bahrudin.Semoga perjalan untuk bertunang berjalan dengan lancar..Ini sahaj untuk kali ini...Di masa akan datang saya akan update cerita di masa pertunang pula ok...bye



You all nak tahu kena hari ini saya teramat HAPPY sangat...Cubalah teka kawan-kawan..Mungkin you all susah nak tekakan..Inilah kali pertama saya sangat HAPPY dalam hidup saya...Baru-baru ni my boy-friend mencadang aku untuk pergi menguruskan badan di slimming centre, tetapi aku mengatakan duit tak ada dan tak mampu nak ker tempat macam tu...Tiba-tiba dengan kuasa Tuhan S.W.T akhirnya doa aku pun termakbul...Impian yang yang aku idam-idamkan selama ini untuk menjadi kurus telah termakbul...Thank you Hubby kerana menyokong dan memberi semangat kepada Syg untuk kurus dan cantik seperti orang lain...THANK YOU HUBBY...LOVE U SO MUCH...MMUUAAHH....



Perkahwinan kawan serumah Norazaharnim Bakar (Aniem Bakar)

 Ni gambar perkahawinana kawan serumah aku namanya Norazaharnim Bakar (Aniem Bakar) yg telah berkahwin dengan Shahrizal Shaharudin (Cham) pada 4.11.2012 di Felda Cuping, Perlis di sebelah pihak perempuan dan di sebelah pihak lelaki pada 10.11.2012. Majlis kenduri yang diadakan sangat happening dan meriah. .Pakai yang dia pakai oleh kedua-dua pengantin sangat cantik dan sweet. Tahniah Norazaharnim @ Aniem yg telah sah bergelar isteri kepada Shahrizal @ Cham.